Sunday, August 31, 2014

Even Diva's Sometimes Wonder WHO AM I?

That's right sometimes even a Diva asks herself, "WHO AM I"!  

It's always great to reflect and look at your goals,dreams and desires to see if you're being true to "who you are" ! To see if you like who you've become or if it's time to evolve into someone or should I say something else even.  And yet still sometimes you ask yourself this to see if you're portraying your true self to the rest of the world. Is your "brand" saying what you really want it to say!  

My Brand, you say yes, "YOUR BRAND"!  With that said I think you're gonna love this new digital series by the OWN Network!  Some of your favorite personalities from today and yesterday give you insite on who they were and who they are today! As well as who they are striving to be tomorrow! Hopefully this will help you as you grow evolve and determine WHO YOU ARE!

Hit the play button & get inspired!

I challenge you to do a short 6-16 second video after watching this and tell the world WHO YOU ARE! I'll post mine by Tuesday 9//2 so check back!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Every Diva Needs a "Girlfriends' Getaway" !

OMG Y'all I need a GETAWAY! So does my Sister Cousin Niece and my Bestie CPN (aka CNN cuz she knows all the dirt!) But since our going to Jamaica anytime soon doesn't look like it's going to happen...So  until then we're hosting a virtual Girlfriends Getawat Watch Party tonight!

Although I do need a Rhoda to my Mary or a Isles to my Rizzoli when I hit the speaking scene in Miami this October! That's Right I'm speaking at Miami Web Fest I hope to finally mix a lil pleasure with business if you know what I mean! Anyhoo click the trailer get the deet's watch the movie before you head out for that last summer weekend party with your girls!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Social Media Diva Never sleeps! OMG it's Morning - Stephanie "Stephstaa McNair

Saturday's are supposed to be the days that SocialMMMDiva aka ME get's to go outside and play! But here's the flip side of that if you go outside and play on the same day your client releases the new music video to his movie, without giving you a heads up....then you're staying up doing press releases and facebook, google+, tweets, tumblr and instagram posts well into the wee hours of the morning! Which just happens to be the name of the video. Anyhoo check out the music video for the movie Sex Ain't Love....

 Stephanie "StephStaa" McNair has an awesome voice! Will Adams did such a great job with the movie clips I know you're thinking I need to see this! Well we'll be premiering in Chicago in late Sept and then we're going to do a tour to Atlanta, Oakland and whichever other cities with a strong African american presence so keep checking for us.#SexAintLOve #WillAdams #StephanieStephStaaMcNair,#AubreyMarquez #DamonWilliams #JaimeCampbell #CalvinThomas #AdeleGivens #ChicagoIndieFilms #Chicago #ACITYFULLOFSTARS #SocialMMMDivaPR