Monday, January 4, 2016

Whew I Made it !!

WOW, life was such a roller coaster that I really didn't post to my personal blog!!!

Yes, it WAS!

January 2015 was filled with hope and enthusiasm and then came February and it all went down the drain. You read it right life went from sugar to shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to shhhoot I just gotta roll until the wheels fall off.

Here are some pics from different social media/public relation events,film festivals and movie premieres that I attended. As well as a few cool blerdy things like Dragon Con and a hackathon or two.

Ok...Ok things weren't all bad in 2015 but it was a struggle and I'm blessed to have survived it! I even came out with a lil gift from God! That's right I was blessed with a connected car....O the adventures we've had...wink wink

Anyhoo I made it to 2016 and the lessons I learned in 2015 are sure to come in handy!