Monday, June 16, 2014

Today Is A Good Day To Scare Somebody !

GG always said that a little competition was good for the soul!

It's not my fault that some folks are scared of it. But anyhoo let's scare somebody today!! Go to the Social Media Day Atlanta's web page (click the link or past url and nominate me for the #Top 100 Social Media Experts and Personalities in Atlanta! 

Pls vote for @SocialMMMDiva in the race for #TOP100 at #SMDayATL14 All you have to do is tweet the following
I nominate @SocialMMMDiva for the #TOP100 at #SMDayATL14 
Go here

Tweet this I nominate @SocialMMMDiva for the #TOP100 at #SMDayATL14 

Tell your friends too!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Wow Where Did The Weekend Go!

What does a #Blerd do on the weekend catch up on Netflix and web-series of course! Here's my favorite web-series Codefellas!

And then I spoke with my Dad and son wishing them both a really awesome Father's Day!

 Then people started posting that the weekend was done! Sheesh time to plan out this weeks blog & social network posts and apply for a few jobs. But as my new friend Nichelle @cupcakeblog was quoted as saying on Pecha Kucha night you can't be in a bad mood holding a cupcake! So even though the weekend went by in the blink if an eye! I am happy and ready for the challenges in the upcoming week; cupcake in hand!

Pecha Kucha, Pinot Grio and FOMO!

  When I left you last it was just about to be my turn to present. So let me tell ya what happened. MAGIC happened that's what! God blessed me with his words and guided my tongue. Before they called my name I was soo anxious that I was about to drop out of the event all together. So glad that God intervened...listen the crowd loved my story of FOMO| The Mobile Device + An Ad Man=A Mad Man?! . When I get a chance I will add audio to the slides and upload for you to please understand it won't be the exact same presentation as the story I told last night was a gift from God,but I will do my best to re-create it.  Take a look at a few of my favorite tweets from the night and now I'm off to drink my second glass of Pinot Grio, this month!

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, June 13, 2014

To Pecha Kucha Or Not To Pecha Kucha!

As I attempt to rise to the top of this Social Marketing Frontier, I've come to understand that just like in the days of the "Wild Wild West" no one and I mean NO ONE is past suspicion! People that you would have never dreamed of think of you as competition! With me being the ruthless competitor; her father raised her to be they really don't want to compete with me!

So anyhoo, as I entered the venue with every intention of backing out of the event. Who oh who do I see? Someone I know that has it in for me! And guess what?! Yep you guessed it they were trying to be a last minute participant in this evenings event! So I whispered to myself, "Tonight's the "BIG Night"! I'll be doing my 1st Pecha Kucha! And then I whispered to God, "Thanks for the motivation". And I know that you didn't bring me this far to fail! So here I go pushing through the fear and yes even the bravest of us sometimes (at the last minute)become fearful. But YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE or YOLO as the young folks say!

I hope you enjoy the pictures and please note that just as I coach my clients about every opportunity is a chance to spread your brand...I'm using the space on my shirt to tastefully promote my twitter handle (actually how you can find me on most social networks)!

And as my mother aka Itty Bitty says when we don't want to do something that we know we really want to do 1-2-3 it's showtime baby!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pecha What???

Pecha Kucha! You read me right....tomorrow night I will be presenting at  Social Media Club Atlanta's 4th annual (click to see the line up) Pecha Kucha (click the link to get tickets) But you're still saying what's a Pecha Kucha?? Check out this here one to see what I'm up to now!

And I'm just thrilled to have been chosen but it comes with some anxiousness as well! So I'd really love it if you came out and supported me! So click the link above and get a ticket/

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

It's A Good Day For Cupcakes & Shots!

My Frustration as I realize I need to finish my Pecha Kucha ASAP and wait for it I have barely started! Needing a LEMON DROP SHOT & a few Lemon Martini cupcakes right now!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Every Diva Can Use Some Courage!

It's Monday and sometimes we all need a little courage to get our week started off fabulously! So listen to Dr, Maya Angelou as she talks about what having a little courage can do for ya.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Lemon Martini Cupcakes & Accepting My Blerdiness

When I was a child people asked me why did I always try to "act white". I didn't know what they meant and would look back at them with a blank stare, and say WHAT?! As I got older people in college called me a "wannabe" because I didn't smoke weed, I actually went to class and did my homework.  As a new Telco employee the young ladies didn't speak to me because I came to work in a suit( as opposed to PJ's) and wait for it I worked! Actually volunteered for special projects, no less. Loved to read more than watch TV Octavia Butler was one of my fav's which made most think I was weird.

This has been my life over the years accused of being "bougie" , a "nerd" and everything but a child of Jesus! I tell ya! Anyway sometime late in the spring of 13 on twitter I found them! 

That's right those known as BLERDS! Or Black Nerds aka Black Geeks MY PEOPLE! And now on Thursday nights I connect with THEM! And I eat lemon martini cupcakes and it's just freaking awesome! We talk about everything from Technology, News,Angela Davis, Maya Angelou, Thundercats, Gem and my new word & thing Afrofuturism! Not sure what the heck that is check out the definition below! Finally at almost 50 I found my people other blacks who reject living the stereotyped Boys in the Hood/Wire lifestyle!  This is ME doing "Black" MY way they BLERD way! 

  For me #AfroFuturism is depictions of the future involving the participation + contributions of the African diaspora #blerdchat

Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Tribute To My Shero Dr. Maya Angelou

Last week America lost a living legacy Dr. Maya Angelou transcended to her spiritual journey and today us mere mortals laid her phenomenal human form to rest. You can watch some of that tribute here.

When I was a little girl, I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Maya and I was mesmerized! She and Morrie Turner had come to school for "Black History Week"! Yes it was just a week back then....anyhoo ...

She was the first person out side of family that I wanted to be like. And I just had to tell her that! So when my teacher called on me (one of the few little black girls in my class) and said ,"Karen what do you want to be when you grow up?" I said, "I want to be just like Ms. Maya Angelou"! (at the time she wasn't Dr. Maya yet). Well, Ms. Maya Angelou said, "Chile be yourself! You'll be much more amazing that way"! Every since then it didn't hurt so much when the other Black kids told me I was "acting white", because in my head I was always saying they're just mad because I'm more amazing than they are!

Help honor Dr. Maya by signing the petition to have a stamp or stamps made with her image on it! Just click the link below and we're on our way!

Honor Dr, Maya everyday by, being yourself and be amazing!

Time Flies When You're Trying To Rise!

WOW can you believe it's June already?! Where did the time go? IDK but anyhoo let me catch you up so I landed a temp gig back with the Evil Corporate Telco Giant and guess what they aren't quite so evil anymore!! Or maybe they have just been humbled because they found out it's a DIGITAL WORLD and the young people aren't tryna be tied up with POTS(Plain Ole Telephone Service) anymore! So yea a Diva has been busy learning the new job, attending tweet chats, hosting tweet chats re-branding myself the "Sassie Awards" new transmedia agency "The Socially Haute"and best of all tryna get settled in the new spot! Oh yeah and as you can see from the picture the Doggy Diva is back baby!

Anyhoo life has been good so I guess that's why time has been flying by as I ascent to where I BELONG AT THE TOP! 

Check out a few pic's from some of this years adventures below and if you want more head on over to my tumblr blog that is full of my sassie adventures! if the link doesn't work for you just copy and past this in your browser